[UPHPU] UPHPU Thurs 7pm Xdebug w/ Free Food
2018-09-18 13:08:20 UTC

Our next meetup is this Thursday, September 20, at 7pm., Mark Niebergall
will be presenting on Debugging PHP with Xdebug, and will include slides
and live demos. See
https://www.meetup.com/Utah-PHP-User-Group/events/xqlxqpyxmbbc/ for more

Jen Wade with PDS will be sponsoring food at the beginning of the meetup so
come hungry. You can reach her for all your career and hiring needs at
801-769-2083 or email ***@pdsinc.com and find her online at
https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenniferwade/. PDS Inc., (People, Data and
Solutions) is located in Draper, Utah and is an authorized vendor of
Younique and they work with several clients in the Lehi/Thanksgiving Point
area as well as throughout the US. Thank you Jen!

At the end of the meetup a free 1 year license to any JetBrains product
will be raffled off to one lucky attendee. Then we'll head over to JCW's
for food and to socialize; we hope you'll join us.

Hope to see you there!

Mark Niebergall and Derek Caswell
Co-Organizers of UPHPU


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net
